Friday, September 20, 2013

Rubbish Monster and Updated Storyline

We've finally managed to confirm our storyline (after several discussions with Mr.Mike). And here it is!

Title : Owl, Fox and Dog goes on a picnic!

-------- Scene 1 ---------
Owl, Fox and Dog decided to go on a picnic in the field.
They met up in their neighbourhood, and left for the field.
On their way, they saw rubbish pile on the streets.
Owl : What should we do with rubbish pile?
Fox : We should just leave them!
Dog : No we shouldn't! We should pick all the rubbish up and throw it in the dustbin!
Fox : It's just rubbish. How bad can it be?
[   Fox   ]
Rubbish pile with start gathering itself and turns into a garbage monster and tries to eat them

[   Dog   ]
Rubbish bin spills rainbow to the ground (with sound effect).
(might consider putting a reward system: gold/stars to be counted at the end of the story)
*Did You Know: Rubbish that are left exposed will cause a terrible smell*

-------- Scene 2 ---------
After awhile, they felt a little thirsty.
So they decided to stop by the vending machines to get some soda.
After drinking the soda, Owl is staring at her empty can.
Owl : What should we do with the empty cans?
Fox : We should throw them on the floor!
Dog : No we shouldn't! We should recycle them in the recycle bin!
Fox : It's just a can. How bad can it be?
[   Fox   ]
Vending machine throws a tantrum on the floor (coz there's no more new cans), fox is
depressed because there's no more soda

[   Dog   ]
Vending machine spills rainbow and gives them extra cans of soda

*Did You Know: There are not enough materials in the world to make new cans*

-------- Scene 3 ---------
Soon, they passed by a school yard.
There, they saw a baby panda drawing on papers.
Then, the school bell rang, and he left the papers behind.
Owl : What should we do with the papers?
Fox : We should make paper aeroplanes!
Dog : No we shouldn't! We should pick them up and recycle them!
Fox : It's just paper. How bad can it be?
[   Fox   ]
Tress are being cut down to produce more paper, including Owl's treehouse. *Owl
crying, Dog and Fox are helpless*
[   Dog   ]
Birds form rainbow as they build their new homes on the trees.
*Did you know: Papers are made of trees*

-------- Scene 4 ---------
On their way to the field, they crossed the river.
There, they saw plastic wrappers on the river bank.
Owl : What should we do with the plastic wrappers?
Fox : We should throw them into the river!
Dog : No we shouldn't! We should gather and put it in the recycle bin!
Fox : It's just plastic. How bad can it be?
[   Fox   ]
River turns black and it shows Uncle Turtle is stuck because he couldn't swim properly.
[   Dog   ]
Fishes jump out of the water forming rainbow and Uncle Turtle is waving happily with them

*Did You Know: Turtles likes to eat jellyfish. They die from eating plastics because it looks like jellyfish*

-------- Scene 5 ---------
They have finally reach the field.
There, they saw all the food wrappers scattered on the field.
Owl : What should we do with the food wrappers?
Fox : We should just leave them and begin our picnic!
Dog : No we shouldn't! We should clean them up before we eat!
Fox : It's just food wrappers. How bad can it be?
[   Fox   ]
A strong wind blows the food wrappers  and they all fell sick the next day.

[   Dog   ]
Sunflowers bloom, rainbows form and the other minor character joins them for a picnic.

*Did You Know: Eating in a dirty environment could make you sick!* 

Then, Cam decided to try out the garbage monster from Scene 1 and here's her outcome;


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