Friday, September 6, 2013

5 Innovative AR Product

All three of us have 2 different ideas for the AR products, so we've decided to compile everything up and presented it to Mr.Mike.

1. AR Board Game
Similarly to Monopoly, Voon Ann wanted to make the character totems have their own characteristics in AR to add more realism into board games. 

2. Make Your Photos Come to Life
Inspired by Harry Potter's moving pictures, Voon Ann wanted to create an app that allows users to take a picture with a video behind it. When it is scanned, the pictures would be moving like the one taken in the video.

3. Star Mapping
I wanted to create an app that would help users to map the stars. How it works is that users would have to scan the stars in the sky, and the app would help them map the stars and show the constellations in the sky. 

4. Know-Your-Environment Storybook
Aimed for the preschoolers, I wanted to come up with an interactive AR storybook that would educate the children in keeping the environment safe. Children would be given different situations and they would have to scan their answers to see the outcome of their choices.

5. Winged Shirts
Cam came up with an idea to create T-shirts that has a flat image of wings. Similarly to Chestbusters, the T-shirts acts as a marker that once it is scanned, the wings would spread open. 

6. Sticker Tattoos
Cam wanted to make a non-permanent tattoos that also acts as a marker, that would show a short animation according to what the tattoo is. If there are two similar tattoos, it would react to each other. 

After presenting and getting feedback from Mr.Mike, three of us decided to go with the Know-Your-Environment storybook. We've narrowed down the topics that we are going to cover and we have a backup plan to include a board game in the storybook as well. 


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