Saturday, December 7, 2013

Final Outcome and Reflection

After making all the necessary changes and reducing our animation file sizes, we have finally managed to print out our book. Although there were a little printing error on our cover page where there were some stains on it, the rest of the pages seems to be okay and the QR codes are working fine.

I am really proud and happy with what my group members and I have accomplished. This is the first time that we're doing a project together and everything seemed to be going smoothly since the first day. Besides having some minor glitches like our animations not playing with the college WiFi, or the texts being too close to the borders, we've sorted out most of the problems and moved on from there. This experiences has taught me to not be stuck on one level just because the problems were not solved. Instead, overcome the negativity and look for possible solutions. Not to mention the importance of group effort. 

With that, I would like to thank my group members for all the efforts that they have contributed, as well as Mr.Mike, for offering his guidance and tips during group tutorials together.
